About Ignatia House
Since 1974, Ignatia House has provided a safe, clean, sober residential environment for women recovering from alcoholism.
The House has room for eight women. This small group living arrangement provides a healing and supportive environment that offers each resident an opportunity to begin her recovery with a sense of dignity while developing self confidence and self respect. Communal living also provides an environment that empowers recovering women and encourages the development of tools necessary to re-enter society as sober, productive members.
The women gain tools for sobriety as they develop their daily routines of living and working together.The residents take turns preparing dinner,the women sit down for dinner together at 6:15 p.m. promptly every night and strengthen social skills as they share the events of their day. As the residents interact, share space and meet their responsibilities, they are practicing behaviors necessary for successful daily living. Confidence builds as valuable skills are reinforced. Mutual support creates bonds that nurture feelings of trust. Friendships form that transcend the walls of Ignatia House.
A House Manager oversees the daily operations of the House. She greets the residents as they come home from their jobs and is available to the women for ongoing support. Maintaining the facility and keeping it in good repair is one of her primary functions. Most significant of all, as she meets her responsibilities, she models sobriety.
With help, each woman finds a job outside the House. From her wages, she pays a modest room and board. Ignatia House is fully furnished, including bedding and towels, program fee's cover basic expenses such as food, laundry and utilities. The residents buy their own personal products and pay their own transportation to and from work, generally using public transportation such as a train or a bus.
The women attend AA meetings at the House or in the community. A meeting takes place every day at Ignatia House, except Wednesdays.
How long a woman stays at Ignatia House varies. The usual stay ranges from three months to a year.